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. Mitchell withdrew it but asked if the FNMs on social media had taken leave of their senses they write such utter garbage and foolishness. Then someone suggested that they were in the same bucket together to which she replied that Mr. Mitchell would not know what to do if they were in the same bucket together. At which point, Mr. Mitchell was stopped in his reply by his colleagues who urged him to sit along with the Speaker who asked everyone to take a deep breath. Mr. Mitchell shouted from his seat: there wouldn’t be enough space in the bucket. There other brickbats like her shouting from her seat that Mr. Mitchell was carrying on like a child. He replied immediately: it takes one to know one. Within minutes of the exchange, she picked up her bags and left the House with her tail between her legs. FNMs were amused particularly those who supported Dr. Minnis and wrote on social media that what happened to her she deserved. She had failed utterly to derail what was a routine and innocuous piece of legislation which her colleagues were all supporting. Interestingly enough not one of them got up to defend her during the exchanges. She is a sad case indeed.