A Majority Whip is a Member of Parliament charged with assisting the leader of government business in the lower house otherwise known as the House of Assembly. His parliamentary function is to maintain discipline within the parliamentary caucus; in essence, cialis for sale he is the chief political armor-bearer and enforcer for the leader of government business in the house. The Whip is further charged for the delivery of votes for key pieces of legislation when called upon. It is not a job for the weak-kneed, or the faint of heart.
On August 13th, 2014, the debate in parliament continued on the four constitutional amendment bills that have to do with gender equality. If passed in the house by a margin of three quarters (3/4) sitting MPs, the bill will lead the way for a referendum to be held on November 6th of this year. If passed, the constitution will then be amended. The debate thus far has been spirited with no holds barred. Members of parliament for the FNM side as a group has vacillated from day to day; except for the Deputy Leader, Loretta Butler-Turner who has pledged her support to all four of the amendments. PLP Members of parliament based on the tenor and tune have supported the first three without reservation, but essentially believe that the language in bill number four ought to be tightened so as to plug or prevent any loop holes to allow same sex marriage down the road. The Attorney General has gone on the public record to assure the public that the language in the present form is okay whether or not that assurance will suffice remains to be seen.
The PLP at its core has always been the political party of the masses. The former Deputy Prime Minister, and later Governor General, Honorable Arthur D. Hanna has put it best when he summed up the mission statement of the PLP……………….that is to wipe away every tear from every eye and by extension the PLP is the defender of the downtrodden and the least of these our brethren. So as the baton is passed from one generation to another our mission statement have not changed. Those are our core values that we must keep ever before us; they must forever be our foundation pillars on which the party stands.
Dr. Andre Rollins is the MP for Fort Charlotte, he has also served as Gaming Board chairman for the past two years, and is the PLP house whip, a prestigious position for a freshman MP. On Wednesday past, Dr. Rollins’ behavior in the house could be characterized as that of an angry young man who was wronged by his party. He accused the Minister of Justice, Damian Gomez of spreading deception and fear when was giving his contribution to the four bills. Rollins, when he stood to make his contribution, went on to say what his issues were with the bills. This was his right to do; we may not have agreed with his point of view, but nevertheless, we respected his right to say it particularly when it had to do with matters of conscience. We believe Mr. Rollins crossed the line when he accused his party of using young candidates as pawns in the last general election to help to secure the election victory. For two years, the good doctor accepted the largesse of chairman of the gaming board and the position of house whip of his party
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For the PLP, the front door frame of PLP house has been found to be infested with termites and urgent attention is required to stop the further spread of the infestation. For Dr. Rollins, it would be a good thing to make ready to explain his statement that he has been used to the NGC of the PLP so as to help them understand that he has not willfully done damage to his party that has given rise to the old proverb “ingratitude is stronger than a traitor’s arm.”
Stalwart Brian N. Seymour