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viagra canada times; font-size: 12pt;”>The following is excerpted from the speech of the Party Chair of the PLP delivered this morning by Bradley Roberts at the PLP’s prayer breakfast under the theme “ In All Things Give Thanks”:
Continuing on with our theme of giving thanks, I offer heartfelt thanks to Bahamians everywhere who stood up for The Bahamas in the face of criticism by those who either have no loyalty to The Bahamas or who were duped by misinformation on social media.
Special thanks go out to the Minister of Immigration, Hon. Fred Mitchell who remained steadfast, gave no quarters and allowed the detractors no space as he vigorously defended his officers, the government and by extension, the Bahamian people in the face of extreme vitriolic invective.
Please give brother Mitchell a rousing round of applause.
One needs only to look at the policies of the United States, Australia and Trinidad and Tobago to appreciate that when faced with the challenge of illegal immigration, those governments acted in the best interest of their respective countries
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. The Bahamas is no different.
The Bahamas has been hospitable to and considerate and patient with our neighbours to the south, but when some of them could not get their own way, they called the government and the people of The Bahamas everything but a child of God. This most unfortunate but I encourage the government to see that the laws of this country are duly enforced.
Also, it is refreshing to note the bipartisan support publicly expressed on this issue.
Below Photos by Peter Ramsay